Till Death Do Us Part is a sequel to My Husband Left Me For Another Woman After Taking My Kidney. If you haven’t already, read that first to fully understand and enjoy this story.
Till death do us part. That phrase was part of our vows; he said it to me and me, to him. And heaven knows I meant it when I said mine. Flynn was my happy place, I was perfectly in love with him. Some say it was trauma bonding what he and I had. If it is true, we trauma bonded beautifully for three decades and some.
He was so beautiful, he had street smarts and book smarts. Where neglect and sexual abuse had left me afraid and unsure, he had parlayed his difficult childhood into gritty ambition, and he used the poverty he knew as a child as a cautionary tale of what life needn’t be.
Flynn was the son of drug addicts. They loved their son, but they loved heroin and cocaine a lot more. By the time he was eleven, he and his kid sister had been shipped off to live with their aged grandparents on a farm. Life was good, at least for a while until Ari, his sister, stepped on a brown snake on the farm and was bitten to death.
That death had awful ripple effects; his grandmother sunk into a deep, deep depression and became bedridden. And unable to care for both his sick wife and a precocious preteen, his grandfather shipped him off again, this time into the foster care system. Till death do us part!
It was in the foster care system that he came to experience horrific neglect and abuse. At the age of fifteen he made a run for it and never looked back.
Looking back, he may have taken to me, protected and loved me as hard as he did because he was projecting on me what he should have done for his late sister. I will never know, but what I do know is Flynn loved me, and I loved him back deeply. With him I got everything I had hoped for and more. Flynn was the love of my life, before him I’d loved none and after him, I was not going to love any other. To me it really was till death do us part.
And yet here we were, being wrenched apart by whatever the hell was going on with him. In his mid-fifties, my Flynn was having a midlife crisis. My friends suggested it was his true colors showing, and that what he was showing me was who he was at the core. But I knew better, I knew him, he was kind and empathetic and so loving and romantic. The man I was seeing wasn’t Flynn. So I decided to love him harder, to show him what he was missing, to remind him who I was and to try to piece us back together.
After I kicked him out, he moved into our beach house, about two hours drive away with his bimbo. And it appeared he was hell bent on embarrassing me and our children. Everyday I heard about how he rode around town, his bimbo in tow, blasting loud music and making a damn fool of himself. I was almost as if he was trying to relive the teenage years that had been stolen from him. He couldn’t even be bothered to run our business with the zeal he had run it for decades. He delegated a lot of his duty to Flynn Jr, and lived like a man with no responsibility.
Then one day he had a motorcycle accident. He had been going way too fast rounding a curve, and had skidded off the road. He broke an arm, a femur, and fractured his hip.
Of course his little blond bimbo had no idea what to do with him. I got a call from the hospital less than three days after he was sent there, I was still his next of kin. I had to sit through grueling physician consultations, listen to his options and make all the decisions that were in his best interests. He was heavily sedated and could not make sense of anything happening. He underwent surgery, after which I had him brought to our home where I lovingly nursed him back to health. His bimbo called to ask if she could come see him, I let her.
My son stopped visiting. My daughter called and cussed me out, she said all the lessons I’d taught her about strength was all talk and nothing else. And my friends’ tongues wagged, they gossipped to no end, and laughed at me. But even though all these people thought they knew me, knew Flynn and I, they had not been there with us when we were in the trenches building our lives and struggling to come up. When I said , “Till death do us part,” most of them weren’t there.
As Flynn’s health progressed, he began asking to go back to the beach house. It became apparent to me that he wanted to continue his newly adopted lifestyle. So I sat him down for a talk.

He was willing and ready to sign over our farms and vineyards to our children. It made sense because they were highly educated, savvy business people. And they were already heavily involved in the day-to-day running of the business. And he wanted me to have our family home, while he kept the beach house. Every other asset, he wanted to liquidate and split 50/50 between us. He also wanted an amicable divorce, he was out of love, and he wanted to be free.
“We are at the end of the road Isla, we’ve had a good run, but for me this is it. I want to live free, let me go,” He said.
My soul turned a few shades darker. I sat there looking at the man I had vowed to love till death. And yet here we were, death did not do us part. He was doing us part. But I had a better proposal, I still loved him. I wanted to cling to him, the safe place I’d known for years after my own parent had neglected me. So I let my vulnerability show, I let him see my heartbreak, I let the tears fall. But I did not beg him to stay. Instead I laid down my proposal.
“Looking at how great your bimbo was able to nurse your wounds, I think I am your best chance at good care. And if we divorce I will have absolutely no legal authority to help you when you find yourself in another medical trouble. And given your history, anything can happen. So let’s have our agreement written and witnessed by legal attorneys, but let’s keep our assets together in order not to weaken our estate, and let’s separate. But let’s stay legally married. That way I will still have authority to have a say in your care. If anybody has your best interest at heart, it is me,” I proposed.
I could see the wheels in his head turning. Arrogance has a way of blinding a person and making them feel invincible even.
“You would do that for me, Isla?” He asked surprised.
“Yes. I will,” I replied.
“One more thing then,” he added, “I don’t want to see you with another man.”
“Agreed,” I replied.
I had absolutely no interest in another man. It was Isla time. I was about to live life for me, on my terms. I had gone from the chaos of my mother’s house into Flynn’s life. And I had given my all to him and our children. It was time to give my all to me.
Our lawyers drew the legal documents. On paper our assets were separated, but in reality, it was still together. He had the beach house, I had the family home. And with the exception of the vineyards and farms, everything was divided up 50/50. We each were millionaires. But in reality we did not move our monies or liquidate any assets. Things stayed as they were. He even refused to file for separation.
My attorney advised I was being stupid, but I did not budge. I stayed resolved to marry my Flynn till death do us part.
I even went ahead and invited his bimbo for a sit down. And I enumerated to her all the ways Flynn had to be taken care of; his medications, his appointments, food, dos and don’ts. All of it. I very carefully laid it all out. She said she understood.
Flynn went on to have a religious ‘marriage’ to his bimbo three years later, in Nepal, officiated by a Hindu Sharma who said God’s law was above man’s law, especially when it came to marriage. He said she was the best sex he’d had in years. So they became Mr. and Mrs. by God’s law. And I was Mrs. by the law of the land.
I did me. I took up yoga and mountaineering, and I traveled the world with the few friends I had left; they didn’t understand me, but they loved and accepted me nonetheless. And my children, I asked that they trust me and love me as I loved them. I carved out a new life for myself as a single woman, and began enjoying life again.
Flynn meandered his own relationship with our children. There were arguments, ultimatums and concessions. But eventually our family found a way to keep moving forward.
Flynn and I were together at our daughter’s wedding, husband and wife, mom and dad of the bride. Occasionally, Flynn would spend days and sometimes weeks at my house, those were days he needed a break from the foolishness he was living. On occasion he had the nerve to bring his bimbo, after all we were sister-wives. But most times he came alone. And we would go to dinner or the movies or visit our kids. He had the best of both worlds, he did not stop to even consider how I felt.
He wasn’t taking care of himself. And he had taken up smoking weed, and God knows what else. He gained weight. From my bedroom, I could hear him breathing in the guest room. We were still married, but we did not share a bed. My heart broke for him, but I knew when to mind my business.
Almost five years of living like this, I had a call at midnight on December 24, 2018. It was a doctor in Las Vegas. Flynn had had a massive heart attack at a casino, and he had suffered a brain hemorrhage. He was with his bimbo, but I was his emergency contact, his next of kin, his wife, so they called me.
I went to see him. And I made the decisions that needed to be made. The doctors did what they could, and then we airlifted him back home to Australia where he received hospice care for months. Months later, I signed documents for his breathing machine to be taken off. They pulled the plug, and he couldn’t breath on his own. My Flynn died. Till death do us part; death did us part.
One thing I learned in all my life – while enduring sexual assault from my mother’s husband, while budgeting on a tight income as a young wife, while enjoying life as a successful woman – was that sometimes you have to be agreeable to survive. If there is one thing I knew how to do, it was to survive.
Easy people are not easy fools.
From the way Flynn was living, I knew it was only a matter of time before his health came tumbling down. When I checked off all the things his bimbo needed to do to ensure he was healthy, I knew she would do the exact opposite. She didn’t care about him, she wanted his money. She had a reputation, I had learned, as did her mother before her, I had done my homework.
When I made my proposal to stay married and keep our assets separated on paper but not in reality, I was protecting my children’s inheritance, my wealth. But Flynn had his head too far up his ass to even begin to recognize I had enough brain to play him.
The bimbo went to court. After all, her husband had died. My children and I met her there, after all they had lost a father and me, a husband. I told the court my husband and I had very much still been in love and married. All those days he spent at my house eating dinners I’d cooked, all those times we had gone to the movies and out to dinner while she was with him, we were married and in love. I said he and I had had an agreement that he could see other women, bimbo included, because it made him happy, and as a good wife, I wanted him to be happy.
The court found no evidence of me and Flynn’s separation, no matter how hard the bimbo and her mother argued. I took back the beach house and kept Flynn’s half of the assets in addition to mine.
It was a huge gamble I made. I could easily have died before him, but by having the asset separation on paper, I had protected my children. And all things being equal, I knew he was digging his own grave.
And that is how you fight back sometimes, when the cards are stacked against you, and you are too stubborn to concede defeat.
Till death do us part, dear Flynn. But the money and I did not part!
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At MissKorang we strive to bring you life stories that teach timeless life lessons and, some of those stories, like this one, are real life stories submitted by our readers and shared with their permission. Identifying attributes are edited out to protect our contributors’ privacy.Can you leave your thoughts with these kind people in the comments? If you want to send us your experience, email us at submissions@misskorang.com. Or submit using this anonymous form. Please do not reproduce any part of this content without permission from us. Our stories contain affiliate links. When you click and make a purchase, we may earn a small commission at no extra cost to you.
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Adwoa Danso
I am a connoisseur of life stories, and writing is my first love. I believe we can empower, educate and uplift by telling our stories. Writing is my happy place.