I have a pornstar mom. You read that right. She is a good mother to me. She has a modest clothing shop. She has been married to my father for twenty years, beginning when she was sixteen. She is very subservient to my rather loud, obnoxious, abusive father.
But on the internet, on pornhub, my mom is a pornstar. She is a beast! Her hundreds of thousands of followers love her, are awed by her and spend hours in chatrooms debating her identity.
Oops! I think I got ahead of my little tale, let me start from the beginning.How did i come to know my mom’s pornstar secret?
My family lives in a conservative small town in a deeply conservative country. Pornstar moms are not made in this little closed minded place. And if they’re ever made, you wouldn’t expect them to be my mother. My mother’s headscarf rarely comes off. She prays five times a day. I have never seen her talk back at my father, who has something negative to say to her all the time. Actually my father is a very abusive man in any manner thinkable, emotionally, verbally, financially and occasionally physically. In all my eighteen years, the only time my mother fought him back was the day he attempted to flog me with an electric chord, she pulled a machete on him in my defense; he was so shocked he has never hit me ever again.
By my mother’s account, she was practically sold to my father by her family. Her parents had too many children, were too poor to raise them properly, and so a few months after her fourteenth birthday she was sent to my father’s family to serve as a maid in exchange for dowry. The family was kind enough to educate her alongside their own children. At age sixteen though, she was wed to my twenty-five year old father and thus began her lonely, sad life. In my mid teens I hated her for being so weak and accommodating of my father’s abuse but I have come to learn my mother is the epitome of, “I have nothing to prove to anyone but myself.“
When COVID happened, boredom and curiosity saw me frequenting PornHub. Please don’t ask what I was doing there, I was researching grape fruits. Ha!

And then I chanced on this channel of a woman whose aura was so compelling. She had flaming red hair tied atop her head in a bun, she wore a beautiful, lacy face covering which concealed her identity. Her costumes looked expensive and well put together. I could tell she either had something in her mouth or her speech had been digitally altered. Her and her partner, a white man, were fascinating to say the least. But the thing that kept glued the her channel day after day was a feeling of familiarity, I couldn’t help but feel I knew her. But she has hundreds of thousands of followers, most of whom are male, paid subscribers, so I figured I was just another sex-struck boy.
Then one day I saw a video of the woman, a live performance recorded months prior to me chancing on her channel, she was performing solo. She sat in a purple chair and did her thing. Her accent was thick and sultry, her act drew in her online followers as always. And then it hit me, her mannerisms looked very much like my mom. The way she crossed and uncrossed her legs. How she clicked her fingers, her body language. Even though her face was hidden, I could put my mom’s head on her and that would be my Maa. I laughed at myself, the thought was so absurd to me at the time, I mean my meek, religious, Maa was no pornstar mom. No way!
My mom did her usual travel to the capital one weekend to buy merchandise for her shop. That weekend, the internet was blessed with new videos from my new favorite online person.I noticed her black nail polish, sprinkled with red dots to match her lady bug costume.
When my mom came home at the end of the week, she had ladybug nails. I could no longer ignore the coincidence. My mom, a pornstar online? I unsubscribed from the channel immediately.
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I did some digging around. First on her phone and then hacked into her user account on the family shared computer.The first thing I found is she is carefully planning her exit from my Baba as soon as I leave for university. I also found out she has been on birth control since she had me, she is not infertile as my father choses to believe and accuse her of.
I stole her ID and went to her bankers, pretending to have been sent by her to request a check book. Turns out my Maa has an investment account with quite some impressive amount of money in it. In plain sight, my unassuming Maa is living a double life, playing with fire and fooling everyone.
After the initial shock, anger and all the associated emotions wore off, I began to look at her differently. This woman I have judged and despised for being weak, actually has guts. A lot of the things she has said to me over the years have began to make sense, “Don’t let society trap you, live free,” she would tell me. “I have the patience of a praying mantis and the venom of a viper,” she would say of herself, and I would scoff at her. Boy was I wrong!
My poor, arrogant Baba is none the wiser and probably never will be. He is stuck up, way too far in his own butt to even begin to consider my Maa is capable of thinking for herself, let alone be a mom pornstar. And so shall it remain. I have no plans of confronting my Maa or telling anyone, because doing so might cause her murder. Yes her father and brothers will murder her for disgracing them, and then my father will re-murder her corpse.
I have so many questions, how did she get into this? Is that white guy just a co-star or more to her? I guess I will never have answers, but one thing I do know is that I am never ever underestimating anyone in this life ever, especially females.
So there you have it, my family’s or should I say, my Maa’s dirty little secret. It feels good to be able to tell the world and at the same time not tell. Thanks for posting the submission request on the requests board. Writing this down has been cathartic.
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At MissKorang we strive to bring you life stories that teach timeless life lessons and, some of those stories, like this one, are real life stories submitted by our readers and shared with their permission. Identifying attributes are edited out to protect our contributors’ privacy.Can you leave your thoughts with these kind people in the comments? If you want to send us your experience, email us at submissions@misskorang.com. Or submit using this anonymous form. Please do not reproduce any part of this content without permission from us. Our stories contain affiliate links. When you click and make a purchase, we may earn a small commission at no extra cost to you.
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Adwoa Danso
I am a connoisseur of life stories, and writing is my first love. I believe we can empower, educate and uplift by telling our stories. Writing is my happy place.
What a story! Like I’m reading a book. Must be shocking to find this out. But I’m happy you can see it from the bright side. Indeed everybody should be free to live their life how they want to
Mama the badass Mama. Pornstar mom! i loved reading this.
This is fascinating. Thank you for sharing!
Hmmm….an intriguing story indeed ?