If I ever told my friends about my near death brush with witchcraft and the real witches in my family, they’d think it’s another one of my many jokes. But this is a real witches and witchcraft story, something I experienced first-hand.
My father loves to dance. Boy can that man dance! When I was a little boy, I remember very clearly, my father had a small radio he’d play old Hilife songs on, and dance his heart out. And every time my mother saw him dance, she’s say, “Obayifuo ba!” Translates: Son of a witch.
My father is not the only one in his family with dance moves. His elderly mother and his two older half -sisters are avid dancers. Anytime there is a funeral or party in their town and they are in attendance, they become the center of attention, because they can dance to entertain.
It never crossed my mind to relate this knack for dancing with witchcraft or witches ever, ever ever!!
When I was about fifteen years old, in my final Junior High years, I was preparing for exams due in a few months when I started having the dreams, and they were quite vivid. In the dream, my father’s two oldest sisters, my paternal grandmother and a huge man, so huge and so tall I could never see his face, walked for miles and miles on a dusty path. We always stopped at the base of a mountain, in a clearing surrounded by huge tress. On the branch of each tree hung a lantern, which lit the cleared area quite well. Much like the road we walked to this destination, the clearing was very dusty, but unlike the road, the dust here was sparkling white and quite beautiful. And it smelled good, much like the smell of water on hot ash.
The huge man sat in the middle of the clearing, cross legged. He wore a very thin, loose cloth of many colors. So light was the cloth that anytime there was the slightest breeze, it lifted up the cloth and exposed layers of folded skin, he was morbidly obese.
And then the dancing began. There were about sixty dancers gathered, all clothed in white and barefooted. We took turns jumping into the middle of the circle and showing off our skills. The dancer who was able to kick up the most dust was rewarded with cheers the dancers and a pat on the back by the huge man. And as we danced and kicked up the dust, the huge man opened his nose wide and inhaled it in.
I was new, and so I got a lot of pats and special attention from the huge man and everyone in attendance. Way to say welcome to the witches’ coven! I did not have the foggiest idea.
At the end of the night, exhausted and barley able to walk, I limped behind the man, my grandma and aunts as we walked the long way back home. When I woke up the next morning, I felt like I hadn’t slept at all. I was so exhausted. I slept in class the
entire day, to the dismay of my teachers and classmates.
The dream happened again and again for several days. Eventually, I was not able to get out of bed. I was so weak I could barely open my eyes. My parents took me from doctor to doctor to no avail. And then my maternal Grandma visited and brought a certain man with her. The man gave me water with some leaves in it, and instructed that I drink the water and chew the leaves, I obeyed. Then he propped me up
and said, “Tell your parents the dream you’ve been having,”
So I told. I named names and gave the descriptions of people I met and danced with. I remember the look of horror and anger on my mother’s face as I narrated my dream. After I told, she took my trousers and pulled out my leather belt, then she walked out of the house without a word.
My Mama didn’t come home for days, and when she eventually did, she took me and my younger siblings and moved us in with her mother. It would be about three years later, when I was in Senior High to see my father again. Eventually, my father moved us all to another city, and we became a family again.
Nobody explained to me what had happened. My parents forbade me from ever asking or discussing it.But the older I got, the more I began to piece things together. I did this mostly by eavesdropping on my mom and her mother.
What I learned from their conversations was that, I had experienced a gathering of witches and their witchcraft. I had danced in a witch’s coven.
I turned twenty three this year, and so sat my parents down and asked them what happened. My father looked to my mom, who offered a curt explanation, “The witches in your father’s family lost their damn minds and initiated you someway somehow into their witchcraft. But I taught them a lesson they have still not forgotten.”
I asked my father if he’d ever been to the clearing, he said he had. And like me he had fallen sick, and eventually ended up crippled just like his uncle. But his father’s friend, who was some kind of spiritualist had stepped in and helped him walk and break his connection to the witches coven. Apparently they were grooming him to be the next ‘huge man.’ And he thought all was good since he was no longer a connection, but he was obviously wrong, they got to me.

The days my mother had been gone, she’d been in jail. She travelled to the village my grandma and aunts lived and lashed them mercilessly. My father’s family had her arrested for assaulting my grandmother, aunts and my father’s crippled uncle with the belt she took from my trousers. From what my father later told me, my Mom damn near killed his mother and sisters, and so she was arrested and thrown in jail, until he was able to convince his family to let the issue go.
It turns out, the huge man was my father’s uncle, crippled and unassuming, but at night he is king. He heads a dancing coven of witches.
So here’s my family secret for you, a band of real witches who suck their energy at night practicing their witchcraft by dance, and sleeping in the day. When I look at the poverty in my father’s family, I get sad, why not use their dancing witchcraft to win a dance championship and make money? But no, they prefer to dance away at night and sleep the day away.
So was once I was a practicing witch or should I say wizard? But I am no more.
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At MissKorang we strive to bring you life stories that teach timeless life lessons and, some of those stories, like this one, are real life stories submitted by our readers and shared with their permission. Identifying attributes are edited out to protect our contributors’ privacy.Can you leave your thoughts with these kind people in the comments? If you want to send us your experience, email us at submissions@misskorang.com. Or submit using this anonymous form. Please do not reproduce any part of this content without permission from us. Our stories contain affiliate links. When you click and make a purchase, we may earn a small commission at no extra cost to you.
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I am a mom, wife, believer in God and a lover of stories. I love storytelling because I believe it is a potent means to inspire and educate.