killer mom

My mom is a killer. And so is my grandmother. I do not have concrete evidence, all my evidence is circumstantial, but I know in my heart that my killer mom and her mother, my grandmother conspired and murdered my father. And I say this with confidence after putting two and two together. 

It may sound harsh, calling my mother a killer mom, but hear me out first. And I would be the first to say my mother is the best mom I know. She is my best friend, and I love her to the moon and back. She is protective and very affectionate. But I am privy to a darker side of her not many people are allowed to see.

When I was about nine years old, my mother lost her older sister to a car accident. She was indeed devastated by the loss, and she mourned her sister bitterly for a long time. 

My deceased aunt had one daughter who eventually came to live with us. My mom channeled all the love she had for her sister into my cousin. She told people Debra was her first daughter, and I was her second born. And she explained to me why I suddenly had a big sister. My mother made sure my new big sister and I were united and treated each other with respect. I was a bored only child, so I was thrilled to have a sister, and we bonded well and quickly.

When Debra came to us, she was about fourteen and I was ten.

My father; he is deceased now. But I remember him to be a happy go lucky person. I also remember he had a wandering eye, and he was either very sloppy with his cheating escapades or my mom was a good detective. My mom kept catching him cheating, and they would fight about it for days. My father’s cheating was a major bone of contention in my parent’s marriage. And he did it close to home and far from home; my mom’s friends, a distant cousin of my mother’s, my school teacher and many more. There were a lot of late night fights, they didn’t know Deb and I stayed up and listened, but we did. We eavesdropped and gleaned all the gist.

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