a tribute to mother tupac
Mama Tigress. Photo By Canva

This is a tribute to my Mama. She is my best friend and my defender. Here is a tribute to the woman who chose her children’s side no matter what.

I won’t wait to pay her a tribute on her deathbed, this is my tribute o my Mama. My fierce and fearless Mama.

I used to tell my friends my mother had eyes and ears all over her body, and she even had eyes on my backpack, my bedroom, everywhere! She was ever so attentive and intentional when it came to her children. To her I will always pay a tribute.

She was the first to notice any physical and emotional changes in us. Mom knew we were troubled or sad before we could even put a finger on our own feelings. And she would ask you questions that had to be answered; I really believed in my younger years that she had special knowing powers. But really she was just an attentive, present mother. She always let us know she cared, and wanted us to be safe.

I once read on this space that someway, somehow,  we become the sum total of our experiences. What I didn’t know then was that my mother had suffered her very own childhood trauma, which followed her and haunted her psyche for years. And so she was determined to make sure we knew she was a safe place, and that she would defend us with everything she had. In my teenage years, I found her protective nature overbearing and annoying, but when I heard her story in my early twenties, I understood, so I pay her a tribute today.

My father used to have a friend, we called him Uncle Phil. Uncle Phil used to work with Dad at Abossey Okai in Accra, their shops were adjacent to each other. They were really close friends, Uncle Phil spent a lot of time at our house, I think he was unmarried so he ate most of his meals in our home. According to Dad, Uncle Phil bailed him out of a sticky situation once, which is how they became such close friends.

I grew up with an older cousin, she was about three years older than me. When she was about twelve years old and I nine, my mother had the strangest talk with us, about our Uncle Phil. She said, “Phil isn’t your Uncle. He isn’t your blood relative, don’t treat or see him as your father, he is not. Treat him like you would treat anybody out there, with respect but caution. And never you go be alone with him anywhere.”

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