For Your Peace Of Mind, Thou Shalt Never Argue With Fools
If it will cost you your peace of mind, it is too damn expensive.
“Do not argue with a fool, else people might not know the difference,” I’d often hear my father say. Then I came to find it is a quote from the Bible! You don’t say! I dare say the never argue with a fool quote is one of my father’s favorite quotes. And it has become one of mine. But is the purpose of leaving a fool to his foolery and minding my business intended for the sole purpose of separating myself from a fool or was there more? Could it be for the good of my own peace of mind?
“Do not answer a fool according to his folly, or you yourself will be just like him.” Proverbs 26:4. The Bible has words of wisdom we cannot ignore regardless of whether we believe in The Book or not. How true is this verse! Why would you spend your time, energy, resources and your peace of mind trying to have an argument with a blatant fool, who at best, is hell bent on refusing to see reason? Do not argue with a fool. Period. Why would you give your peace to people who have absolutely no respect for it?

Another Interesting Context Why You Do Not Argue With A Fool To Protect Your Peace Of Mind
The Bible again put it well when it says, “Do not give dogs what is holy; do not throw your pearls before swine. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and then turn and tear you to pieces.” Mathew 7:6.
Do not speak to a fool, for he will despise the wisdom of your words. Proverbs 23:9
If a wise man goes to court with a fool, there will be raving and laughing with no resolution. Proverbs 29:9.
Arguing with a fool is much like throwing your precious pearls to pigs! They have absolutely no need or respect for your point of view, or knowledge. It is a wasteful mental and emotional venture and a waste of time. They will drain you of your inner peace, and then drag you down the gutter with them, to their level and beat you with experience. Nothing is to be gained by arguing with fools, it makes you look bad, kind of like guilty by association.
A Fool Will Have You Exchange Places And Destroy Your Peace Of Mind
Think about it this way, you are in the bathroom naked, covered in lather, then a very mischievous friend enters the bathroom and slaps the living daylights out of you, and then runs out into the streets. Would you chase them in your nakedness or would you compose yourself, finish bathing, get decent and think of your next move? Spending time arguing with a fool is akin to running in the street naked, in pursuit of silly friend, onlookers may not be able to tell the difference.
These are emotionally charged and high-pressure moments. It’s an election year. There is a public health crisis raging, to which people can’t seem to agree what the best response is. There are protests, counter-protests and riots. Racism and violence are rife.
The God in you may prompt you to have peaceful conversations with people, even when they have totally different views; to try to understand their point of view, to empathize, to engage, reach out. To love, show love, be loved.
If you’re like me, you have realized to your utmost surprise that even the most innocent topics, food, masks, to homeschool or not to homeschool, race, grocery shopping, The Gospel, can quickly morph into a nasty political argument and/or become a disrespectful discourse. If you’re like me again, you may have realized, sadly, that some people are committed to knowing only the single story, their own version, to ignorance and foolhardy.
Separate Yourself From Foolery
Do not engage. Even the good book says just that. Protect your mental health. Guard your peace of mind and know when to walk away. Protect your emotional health. Do not argue with a fool, else people might not know the difference.
So if ever you find yourself in a situation where you’re being dragged into a pointless argument, whether online (social media), at work, at family meetings or even at home, remember the arguing with a fool quote, and choose wisely.
Protecting your peace means setting healthy boundaries, loving yourself and owning your God-given power. My friends here have some really soothing audio courses that can greatly enrich your life, go check them out.

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Adwoa Danso
I am a connoisseur of life stories, and writing is my first love. I believe we can empower, educate and uplift by telling our stories. Writing is my happy place.
Great verse! I love your comparison, “ you are in the bathroom naked, covered in lather, then a very mischievous friend enters the bathroom and slaps the living daylights out of you, and then runs out into the streets. Would you chase them in your nakedness or would you compose yourself, finish bathing, get decent and think of your next move? “. I totally agree no point in arguing with a fool.
Great article. I have to remind myself if this almost daily
So true! Beautifully written! This is one of my favorite verses and your insight is so inspiring!
I have some “fools” in my life, and it has taken me a long time to learn not to argue with them. I’ll never change them anyway, and I’d rather protect my peace.
It took me a long time to learn this. I regret not learning it sooner but better late than never!
An apt reminder, especially in these times.
Facebook is a prime example of where people can get into arguments. In the past I made some mistakes in commenting on posts I disagree with. Now I just keep scrolling. Good post.
Good for you! No point getting caught in foolish arguments
Good reminder!! Well written!
Very important to keep this in mind! Saves a lot of wasted time.
Good points! I tend to be more of a peacemaker
Good reminder. I need to get into Proverbs again. It is a gold mine. God bless ya.
yes. proverbs is a gold mine!
Agreed! Especially with politics and religion – you will never change another’s mind with words.
Something I wish I had learned a bit earlier in life 🙂
This is a great reminder! Especially in todays times, people will jump at the chance to argue.
Such a wonderful reminder during these challenging times.
This is so, so true!!! Awesome take on this verse.
I’ve been thinking of this often, especially this year and in this political climate. The decision of whether or not to engage is daily on social media. It sucks up time, energy and I usually regret it. And in the end, often look like a fool. So I’ve just been passing on it to save myself all of that. 😉
Way to go Chelsea! I actually wrote this blog after a very unnecessary argument on social media with a total stranger (maybe even a bot) that left me feeling totally drained and ashamed of myself. In that moment i realized what a fool I had let that stranger make me.
I wonder where they get their energy from to argue so blindly. You end up getting confused. That Bible verse is a powerful one and so true.
So true! How many times do I find myself wondering what am I doing arguing with this fool! Too many!
I appreciate the thought provoking examples you present!
I had to laugh at the analogy! Perfect example! In my line of work… I speak to way too many “fools”, and much as I don’t want to give them the time or the energy… its my job! LOL
Definitely don’t want to waste your time on others out there who aren’t making sense to a sensible person right? Nice job and thank you for sharing ?
I totally would avoid arguing with a fool, but divorce court sort of requires it, lol.
Yes I agree! There is absolutely no point or purpose in arguing with someone who will not see reason or be willing to think. I’ve had to “snooze” a lot of people on social media or unfriend them outright. I don’t want to see their foolishness.
Great post. So wise and necessary in our world today. I think we encounter this more and more with social media.
The Bible has a lot of messages that whether you believe the book or not, are true and wise. Perfect except…my Bible my everthing