animal love

Dear MissKorang,

I need help. And I am grateful for the platform you offer so I can be anonymous. I have been very afraid to tell anybody what I’m about to tell you. The one person I could tell, my mother is sick and bedridden and I don’t want to further aggravate her situation. I currently live with my father and step-mother, and they are not the people I can have this talk with.

I am eighteen years old, going on nineteen. Life is not bad, my father took me in when my mom got sick and he takes care of me and my half-siblings as best as he can. My step-mother is nice, she treats me just as she does her own children. My only thing is I don’t have the close relationship I have with my mother with my father or step-mother.

I feel alone a lot, and anytime I want company I go to my mother. But then when I see my mother, I feel really sad. I know she’s not going to get well, I can’t help her and that hurts me, but there is nothing I can do.

Now to the reason for my post. I don’t think I am a normal eighteen year old. Something isn’t right with me. Since the beginning of puberty, I have never really been attracted to girls the way other boys my age were. I never went through the phase of having crushes and what have yous with girls. When I sit with boys and they talk about girls, I just listen and laugh but cannot relate.

I am currently at home studying to rewrite English and Science for my WASSCE certification because I didn’t pass those subjects well. Most times when I’m bored I just stroll through my neighborhood or go meet my boys to play and chat. A few months ago while walking through the neighborhood, I chanced on a goat tied to a coconut tree. It was golden brown all over and had white only around its neck. As soon as I saw the goat, it felt like someone had poured warm tea on my head and the warmth was traveling through my spine, down my legs.

The confusion is I had a physical reaction, in a way I haven’t experienced before. All the things boys speak of, about how this girl or that girl makes them feel just by looking at them walk away, happened to me. Except my girl is a goat.

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I am a mom, wife, believer in God and a lover of stories. I love storytelling because I believe it is a potent means to inspire and educate.

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