persuasion skills. Friends persuading a friend
Persuasion skills. Photo courtesy of Canva

Skills of persuasion exert a far greater influence over others’ behaviors than formal power structures do.”

Robert B. Cialdini

Once in the animal kingdom of Abapa lived strong, big and gluttonous Python. Python seemed to suffocate, swallow anything that had breathe and crossed his path. Once when Python chanced upon a Gazelle in labor, he didn’t consider the precarious position of mother and unborn, he attacked and swallowed the laboring Gazelle to the horror of an expectant father and husband. Python ate the Pangolin, Warthog, Deer, Parrots, even Porcupine with his quills was not exempt. He didn’t care what state the animal was in, as long as he could catch it, it was fair game.

Reports started trickling in to Lion, the king.

“Python is flouting all the rules of hunting. At this rate my bloodline will be extinct soon,” cried Papa Gazelle.

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“Python just swallowed all my three babies,” Warthog complained.

“I believe we all agreed hunters should target the sick and elderly. Why has Python killed my able bodied son?” Questioned the Buffalo.

Everyday, complaint after complaint reached the Lion. The King did his best to caution Python but the more he cautioned, the more brazen Python became. Angry and out of options, the King offered a large, fertile piece of land to anyone who could successfully capture and imprison Python.

It was a sad day indeed, when the King made that announcement, because the animals knew attempting such a feat was practically a death sentence. For weeks they whispered among themselves how impossible the King’s proposed solution was.

The more time passed without a volunteer, the bolder Python became and the more brazen his killing sprees became.

Ananse, the cunning Spider curiously observed all the happenings, and a very clever plan began to shape in his clever mind. He paid Lion a visit oneway and said, “O mighty King of Abapa, you are wise indeed! In our part of the forest there is none wiser, stronger nor greater. No wonder you were born a King. Defender of the defenseless how gracious you are!”

“Do you have something to say or are you here flatter me with your silver tongue?” the King bellowed from his royal seat.

‘O mighty King, allow me to sing your praise! I have heard your excellent conflict resolution proposal. I have been actively listening to the others sing your praise in the fields. They say with your wisdom, our Python problem will be over soon,” Ananse replied.

“It won’t be over until someone volunteers and successfully accomplishes the task,” Lion replied.
“Dare I suggest something my King?” Ananse asked.
“Are you willing to give it a try?” the King inquired.
Ananse nervously scratched his head and answered, ” You know I’m not the strongest of them, I will be dead before my mission began. But perhaps mighty King, I am not trying to be persuasive or anything, but if you doubled the size of the land, it surely might entice some of the stronger animals.”

The King thought for a while and decided it was a great idea, so he sent his messenger, the town crier to send the message across the length and breadth of the kingdom that the prize had been doubled.

Weeks passed, still no one volunteered, and the rampant killing continued.

Ananse, with his skills of persuasion once again approached the king.
“O mighty Lion, you’re indeed father of us all. You’re wise beyond comprehension. Your leadership is impeccable! Have you found anyone to stop Python?”

“Ananse, no one has volunteered. I doubled the prize and yet nothing. At this rate I may have do this myself. I don’t know any other way to influence the others,” Lion responded.

“No great leader! Don’t soil your paws with the blood of your own citizen. Maybe if you tripled the prize, one of the strong ones will surely be influenced to take up the offer,” Ananse said.

“Ananse, tripling the size of land won’t persuade people to face Python. That snake is a nuisance and a murderer. I may just have to kill him and end this problem,” Lion replied.

“O mighty Lion, your leadership skills are evident. I have no doubt you’ll get down and dirty and take care of this yourself. But it is unbecoming of a King to go to war whiles his subjects sit and watch. King, Python is very insolent. He has grown in length and girth, he has no honor, he doesn’t fight fair. And I am no no way suggesting you’re weak but consider what will happen should Python successfully fight you off . You will be opening up your authority for challenge and ridicule, not to talk if he kills you,” Ananse replied.

Lion thought for a while, when he spoke he sounded defeated and sad, “I know you’re very clever Ananse. What do you suggest?”

” I suggest you quadruple the size of the prize land and add the hand of your beautiful daughter in marriage to whoever the gallant man is that dares arrest the Python.”

“You think that might persuade someone to try?” the King asked.
” I have been actively listening in the fields. Everybody is enamored by your daughter. Someone will step up and influence others to follow. Before long you will have a slew of volunteers.”

The town crier spread the news in the fields, “The prize land is quadrupled and the hand of the beautiful Princess in addition.”

Weeks passed. No one volunteered.

Ananse, visited the King again, “Great Lion —”
“Ananse save the praises. Our plan isn’t working,” Lion interjected.
“I have come to volunteer myself,” Ananse replied.

Lion burst out in thunderous laughter. He laughed so hard the palace shook.
“What amuses you so?” Ananse inquired.
The King couldn’t answer. He laughed.
When he finally calmed down, Lion said, “all Python needs to do is look in your direction and you’ll be dead.”
“All I ask is you do not breathe a word of this to anybody. Command everyone present in this palace today to not speak a word to anyone. And give me three days to deliver Python to you.”

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I am a mom, wife, believer in God and a lover of stories. I love storytelling because I believe it is a potent means to inspire and educate.

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