side chicks

My wife used to be a sidechic. If that man had other sidechics, my wife was their head mistress. Call it sidechic in-chief if you will. I think that man was in love with her, and she was enamored by the attention from such an affluent, older man, and the luxury that came with him. All her four years in the University, she was with him. That man has taken my wife on more foriegn trips than I have been to my favorite waakye joint.

I love my wife. She is my love story.

My wife has a best friend. She calls this person her day one. They have been friends since they were about eight years old. These two girls went to the same Secondary School and to the University together. I think that friendship is unhealthy, actually, I think it is toxic. But my wife doesn’t see my point, she has been with this toxic friend for so long, she cannot see the toxicity I see from the outside looking in.

When I met my wife, I was broke and broken. I knew I liked her, but I checked myself and checked her and decided to settle for a friendship. As a matter of fact, I friendzoned myself. I knew I could not afford her lifestyle and I was not interested in taking handouts from her either. So rather than approach her with the idea of a romantic relationship, I asked to be her friend. But even as I sat on the sidelines, playing the role of a dutiful friend, I knew I was in love.

I call her Lilac, because she reminds me of a blooming tree. Sweet natured, sweet scented and so appealing to look at. My wife is a gentle spirit, the kindest woman you ever saw. And she has a megawatt smile to boot. That woman can charm the brutest of men.

During the course of our friendship, I was given the opportunity to do a side contract for some clients at my former job. That contract should have gone to my employer, but I figured I’d take it for myself and earn something extra. It sounded like a great idea until the deal went bad, I was defrauded. My employers found out and sacked me. And then I was arraigned before court because I couldn’t pay my creditors. I would have gone to jail, except my wife showed up and paid thirty seven thousand dollars to end the case.

After she paid that money, I knew she wanted more than a friendship too. So we sat down and talked, my Lilac and I. We laid it all on the table; our past and our hopes for the future. She told me about her life as a child of an affair; her father didn’t claim her and her mother didn’t want her. So she grew up bouncing from Uncle to Aunt. When she finally made it to the University, there was no one to help her pay her way through school. Her Aunt encouraged her to defer and find a job so she could save some money and continue her education later. It was during that difficult time that she met Honorable. His marriage was strained, his wife and children were in Europe and he lived and worked in Ghana. He wasn’t promising marriage but he wanted her company. In return, she could continue schooling and have a good time. She did it, she became his sidechic. In her own words, “He was good to me and I stayed faithful to him.”

Around the fifth year of that Sugar Daddy-Sidechic affair, she got a call from Mrs. Mr and Mrs were reconciling because it was good for his political move. So Mrs. politely asked Lilac to vamoose, she wanted her husband back. I think Lilac knew that day would come, so she agreed and quietly left. But Honorable made sure to set her up really well, a house, cars, thriving business and some cash!

During all of this Dede, the toxic friend was tagging along, enjoying whatever Lilac received. In fact Dede is married to one of Honorabble’s associates now.

I have been married to Lilac for eight years now. I have seen her navigate some unhealthy friendships, Dede takes the cake. Dede isn’t aware Lilac has been completely honest about her sidechic past with me. And so whenever she’s around us, she makes shady jokes in reference to side chics who become married women and turn into angels. She loves to throw my wife’s past in her face. One of her favorite lines is, “Bad girls get good husbands.”

I don’t know where she got this fantastic idea that I’m a saint. I have my own sordid past too. 

Once while visiting us, Honorable came on the news. She immediately called Lilac, “Come and see someone. Come. Come. Come.”

Then she turned to me and said, “This man had a sidechic in our hall on campus. He almost left his wife for her.”

Lilac thought it was funny, I thought it was stupid and unnecessary.

Dede is the kind of friend who will be by your side and help you when you have a problem, when you have a difficult situation that requires her pity, she will be there. She is never the kind to celebrate success and joy. I think she secretly enjoys seeing my Lilac in a hard place.

We struggled with infertility for years, and in all that time she was the encourager. She would comfort my wife and recommend doctors and fertility clinics. But the moment my wife conceived, she did not get as a much as, “Congratulations,” talkless of, “I am happy for you.”

Despite her sidechic past, I love my wife. She is the best thing that ever happened to me. I am who I am today because of her. She didn’t give me handouts, she pushed me to get my act together. And Oh, she collected her money back as soon as I made it. I am with the chic of my dreams, I am happy and content. Making her happy is what I strive for daily.

No matter how I try to get my Lilac to see Dede is a toxic friend, she doesn’t listen! She keeps defending her foolishness. Just this weekend, my wife went into false labor and I rushed her to the hospital. Dede came to help as soon as she heard. The following screenshots tell the rest of the story.

I don’t know why some people find it easier to overlook petty jealousy and toxicity in friendships. I for one think it is a dangerous fire to play with. Soon as my wife gets better, we will discuss boundaries.

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At MissKorang we strive to bring you life stories that teach timeless life lessons and, some of those stories, like this one, are real life stories submitted by our readers and shared with their permission. Identifying attributes are edited out to protect our contributors’ privacy.Can you leave your thoughts with these kind people in the comments? If you want to send us your experience, email us at Or submit using this anonymous formPlease do not reproduce any part of this content without permission from us. Our stories contain affiliate links. When you click and make a purchase, we may earn a small commission at no extra cost to you.