Black girl


I am a woman, Black, African
From a lineage of
Steel, depth, sweat, blood
Tears ā€˜nā€™ resolve.

Grandma opened not a vogue magazine
She held a hoe
Dug the ground
Planted seeds.

She dined on her labor
Backbreaking. Hard. Labor.
Her fingertips caressed cocoa pods
Lovingly prepared cocoa beans.

Brown gold they call it
Yet her tongue savored
Not one chocolate bite
Did she even care?

She spawned Ma
Ma spawned me
I succeeded her, and those before her
Grit. Nerve. Poise. Strength

From a long line of strong underestimated women, I come
My blood tells a story, history is alive in my veins
I am history on legs;
Woman. Black. African

I am chains painstakingly removed,
With blood, tears, sweat and time
I am bloodied but unstained
I am tales told by the fireside

I am a wonder, an awe
Woman. Black. African
I am curves, the contours of life
Woman. Black. African
I am defiance, savagery
Woman. Black. African
I am the goddess to whom you will succumb
Woman. Black. African
I am mother of The Black Man
Woman. African. Black.

Adwoa Danso

I am a connoisseur of life stories, and writing is my first love. I believe we can empower, educate and uplift by telling our stories. Writing is my happy place.

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