teamwork and collaboration
Teamwork in marriage. Photo courtesy of Canva

“Teamwork and collaboration begins by building trust. And the only way to do that is to overcome our need for invulnerability.”

– Patrick Lencioni

Listen. Marriage is hard work and requires teamwork and collaboration. Period.

But I bet you’ve heard that countless times from married family and friends. I know I heard it plenty when my husband and I decided to go on this marital journey together:

“If you work together you will succeed.”
“Be each a team member, working together for a common goal.”
“To be an effective team, you have to make communication a priority.”
“Good Collaboration skills and communication skills will help you tremendously!”

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I have listened and heard all those and more. I am glad I listened, because let’s be clear, romance does its part but it isn’t necessarily a long term sustainer of marriage. And to be clear again, I am not here to give you a marital counseling session, I am here to share a few things I’ve picked up along along life’s journey and particularly the lessons I learned and inspiration I got on a family road trip. Hopefully it inspires you and shines light on the need to have a team player in your corner and why you should be a good team member.

Teamwork and collaboration is easy to speak of but can be hard work when applied in a marriage.

There has to be willing parties and team members, and sometimes getting two people from two different backgrounds and life experiences to agree on which way too go for the greater and common good can be daunting. And yes I admit it was daunting for me until a road trip of all things helped put things in a very clear perspective for me.

teamwork in marriage
Lift your team up! Photo by Canva

Let me tell you how I formed my attitudes and convictions:

I had a good childhood as far as food, shelter and education. But I had a hard childhood as far as communication, emotional security and trust. I grew up on criticism and a lot of emotional and verbal abuse. For most of my young life, I alternated between confused and sad, and confused and angry. I learned to mask my vulnerability and with it, hiding the truth. When you’re as impulsive and flawed as I am and you grow up around self-righteous people who are blind their flaws but have no problem projecting yours, you try to be perfect too, but since that is impossible, you lie to cover your slip-ups. White lies. Black lies. Black and white lies. You learn to pose as something you’re not, that how I carved a cloak of invulnerability.

I became a magnet for bad, stupid decisions and opportunists looking for any way they could exploit another human. By my early twenties, I had become very distrustful and independent in a not good way. My biggest life goal was to work and become as financially independent as possible, everything else be damned. Relationships to me were an emotional crutch on which I leaned for validation, never fully committing, never really contributing much, I was never there for any team collaboration and when I got bored, I just detached and walked.

So that was the posture with which I entered marriage in my late twenties. I met the kindest, most hardworking man I’ve ever known. His social skills were great, he was patient, he gave me more respect than anybody I had ever known in my entire life, plus he gave me butterflies!! Talk about finding a crutch! If he saw my foolery, he didn’t show it.

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I am a mom, wife, believer in God and a lover of stories. I love storytelling because I believe it is a potent means to inspire and educate.

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