dreams come true
do dreams come true
Pick Up Your Fallen Dreams. Photo By Canva

Dreams Come True

“Dreams come true. Let’s dream and hope, our dreams will one day come true. Hang on to your dreams,” the third and oldest tree said to his friends. Three trees on a hill, in the woods discussed their dreams, they encouraged each other and talked about their hopes and dreams.

The first tree said, “someday, I hope to be a treasure chest. I pray to be filled with the rarest of gems, I hope to be decorated with intricate carvings and displayed for all to see my wonder and splendor.” The second tree said, ” I will be a mighty ship someday. I will carry kings and queens across the waters, and sail to all corners of the earth. All who sail in me will feel safe because of the strength of my hull. The third and oldest tree said, ” I hope to be the tallest, oldest and straightest tree in this forest. I pray that people will see my magnificence, my tall reaching branches and think of God and the heavens, and how close to them I am reaching. I want to be the greatest tree of all time and I want to be always remembered.”

One tree now stood on the hill, along with two tree stumps. It was a mighty tree indeed, as its branches and leaves danced to the beat of breeze, it couldn’t help but let out a sigh of contentment. And looking at the two tree stumps standing beside him, remains of his dear, dear friends, he hoped they were living their dreams.

“Alas I am tall and my branches are far reaching. All I pray for is length of days, to grow older, wiser and stronger. I know dreams come true and I am on my way to being the greatest tree of all time,” the tree said to itself.

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I am a mom, wife, believer in God and a lover of stories. I love storytelling because I believe it is a potent means to inspire and educate.

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