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God Created A Black Beautiful Girl
Black Beautiful Girl, when God carved you, In His own image, he checked you out, and He was pleased with you, because you were perfect.
But a twisted, broken world outlined its own standards of beauty and sadly , ignorantly excluded you.
Black Beauty, Cowered But Unbowed
For centuries, your femininity was denied. Your outstanding features; lips, cheekbones, intricate curves and the rest were mocked. Heck, your ancestors were paraded through Europe as circus freak show attractions for their curves. Curves that have become a billion dollar industry as plastic surgeons try to recreate your immaculate features for a fee. Sara Baartman must be turning in her grave with glee!
For years, your own race believed these heinous lies and retold them to you. They said, “light skinned is better and more appealing. Dark skinned girls ain’t cute. The closer you are to the white skin the more beautiful.” Girl, there is no weapon more potent and dangerous than self-hate.
Black Girl, Stop Believing The Lies
Black girl, you see, a well dressed lie satisfies the need of society because the world is in no hurry and has no pressing desire to meet the naked truth. The nakedness of truth is an embarrassment to society and so it turns its gaze away with contempt. My girl, in a world that tries to tell you you’re ugly, please hear this, the world lied. You are beauty. Beauty the world cannot comprehend, and the world fears what it doesn’t understand so it tries to kill it.
But alas, the naked truth cannot be ignored anymore. Somebody finally confronted truth and asked, “truth why don’t you cover up?” And truth said, ” I don’t because the lie stole my clothes and is prancing around as truth. And in any case I have nothing to hide. I am truth.”
Ebony Beauty, Put Pride In Your Stride
My black girl, you are truth. The world has finally discovered you and confronted you. Your skin is pearls, patiently carved and baked in the sun. You are defiance, grit and purpose; in your DNA is written the strength and resilience bestowed on you by ancestors who bore the brute of the White man’s needles and nooses and the Black man, with the hearts in their knuckles. In your blood is magic; the witch that wouldn’t burn. Your hair, intricately coiled and reaching for the sun is your crown; immaculate, one-of-a-kind, immutable, Queen. Your curves, the very contours of nature. Akuaba, you are immaculate. Asaase Yaa, you’re mother of all things feminine. Tuntum, your beauty is no longer deniable.
So if you didn’t know, now you know. Look at Miss Universe, Miss World, Miss America, Miss USA, Miss Teen USA and then look at yourself.
Doubt yourself no more! Hate yourself no more! You are everything and then some!
Yours Truly,
The Black Woman.
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Adwoa Danso
I am a connoisseur of life stories, and writing is my first love. I believe we can empower, educate and uplift by telling our stories. Writing is my happy place.
I love this.. Can’t wait to read the next sublime article. Miss Korang keep enlightening us
This is a great piece. I hope n u pray u get a slot in the dailies to pen these awesome pieces. Adwoa, I believe in u and u are born for this. Soar high my “Naa Faley”
Thanks so much! M proud to be black!!!!!
Nice one miss korang, keep enlightening us