At MissKorang we strive to bring you life stories, stories of motivation, cautionary tales and many more. We believe storytelling is one of the most powerful means that we have to influence, teach, and inspire. Our stories contain affiliate links. When you click and make a purchase, we may earn a small commission at no extra cost to you.
“When we are able to break free from the imprisonment of our little, small self-thinking and dare to face the essence of life, we recognize we are never at home with ourselves. We are always on the road. By challenging the unknown and the unidentified we are capable of opening our skyline. (“Transcendental journey”)”
― Erik Pevernagie
Remind Yourself About Yourself
A man once walked along a path through the woods, and he came across a cleared area where elephants were being held. He stopped to observe and admire the majestic animals, and began to wonder why they were so docile and compliant, standing in one spot, neither moving nor interacting with each other. It appeared the elephants were stuck in the one position they stood, subdued and meek.
Then he made a curious observation, near each elephant stood a wooden post. And looking down at the post he made an even more curious observation, a connecting rope from the post held one each elephant’s forelegs. The man was astounded indeed, “Is it a magic spell? Or perhaps blind loyalty to their trainer? Did these giants know they could break free with the littlest effort? Why did they not try?”
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The man, after watching the elephants for while approached their trainer and questioned him.
“Why do these majestic elephants compliantly stand here and not break free and walk away? How do you get them do stay tied to that feeble post by an even more feeble rope?”

“Good question, and the answer is simple really,” answered the trainer, “when these elephants are much younger and not as strong, I use the same size rope and post to rein them in. At that age, it’s enough to hold them. As they grow, they are conditioned to believe they cannot break away. They believe the rope has the same power over them as it did when they were young, so they never try to break free.”
“So you’re telling me these elephants are not aware of their strength and abilities and that’s why they stay prisoner to you, your wooden post and rope. They don’t know they can break everything, yourself included, by the lift of a single leg?” The man asked in utter, complete shock.
“Yes. That and the fact they’re not trying, and don’t know they can try.” Replied the trainer.
“So how will they know they can try? Will they ever try? Will they ever be free to roam these lush forests, to mate, graze, breed and just live?” The man pressed.
“Well given the way things are going, I doubt they will, unless I teach them. But I need things to stay this way, so I will not be teaching them. I will rather have them obedient, cowered ignorant, my prisoners.”
The man walked away sad indeed, because he know for the elephants, freedom was a step and maybe a shake away. All they needed was take a step, maybe shake their forelegs a bit; all they needed to break away and break free was believe and try.
Set Intention To Break Free And Live!

The wooden post and the rope did to the elephants what mental and emotional shackles to do us! How many times have you discarded your aspirations because you failed once? What have you been told and what do you believe about yourself. Who or what conditioned you? What steps are you willing to take to find out if the narratives you hold about yourself are true? And if what you believe about yourself are not true, are you willing to find the truth about yourself? Because maybe, just maybe, you can fly!
Think about this, Saul thought Goliath was too big to defeat. David thought Goliath was too big to miss! Perspective! If you shift your perspective and rethink what’s important and essential for your journey and growth, you may realize the things you allow to weigh you and keep you down are non-factors.
So it may be time to un-tell yourself the negative things you’ve been told. It may just be time to get unstuck, take a step, break free and move! If you change your perspective of small self-thinking, you may surprise yourself pleasantly.
“It’s the duty of every man to free himself. Never accept to live an underdog’s life in god’s world.”
― Bangambiki Habyarimana, Pearls Of Eternity
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At MissKorang we strive to bring you life stories that teach timeless life lessons and, some of those stories, like this one, are real life stories submitted by our readers and shared with their permission. Identifying attributes are edited out to protect our contributors’ privacy.Can you leave your thoughts with these kind people in the comments? If you want to send us your experience, email us at submissions@misskorang.com. Or submit using this anonymous form. Please do not reproduce any part of this content without permission from us. Our stories contain affiliate links. When you click and make a purchase, we may earn a small commission at no extra cost to you.
I am a mom, wife, believer in God and a lover of stories. I love storytelling because I believe it is a potent means to inspire and educate.
This is a great illustration and very applicable to life. Thank you for sharing!
Thanks for sharing this very inspiring piece.
Hopefully , we all take the necessary take away from it, to break free and go live our best lives
Yes applicable indeed. if we carefully examine the things that keep us stagnant, we may recognize that the shouldn’t be allowed to hold us hostage at all
Excellent read.
Why do these majestic elephants compliantly stand here and not break free and walk away? How do you get them do stay tied to that feeble post by an even more feeble rope?”
Answer: the elephant has been taught to forget what he is. The majestic creature has been conditioned.
Succint isn’t it? Put that way, it is sobering.Our chances of breaking away and breaking free mostly lie with us
Thank you. Much appreciated. I love the lesson of just lifting ourselves and trying
Intriguing and inspiring story, indeed. You’re an excellent storyteller, and this is a wonderful message!
I agree, it is a wonderful message. We can all break away if we try
As always, love your stories!
Thank you. As always I appreciate you coming
What a great story. I wonder if we knew we could break free (attain our goals, etc), if we would, or if the rope is also the fear holding us back. Like the man said, the elephant didn’t know he could try. If only we allowed ourselves to try!
If only we would allow ourselves to try! Then we will be surprised how flimsy the things holding us back are. most times our breakthroughs and break aways lie with us
Awesome story. Perspective can be everything! If we believe we can do something, that’s half the battle. We just need to allow ourselves to take that first step!
Perspective can be everything! I agree. The difference between i can break away and I can’t could be just the mindset
Great story to contemplate how one can apply this theory to their own life!
…to encourage us all to keep testing the limits to break free!
What a great illustration to encourage us to never give up.
Never ever give up! Never stop trying. Never stop knocking and testing the limits, it is your license to break free
A short story with a lot of meaning and thought! Thanks for sharing…
I am glad you appreciate it. If we dare to break free, we will achieve so much more
Good perspective. I liked the David and Goliath part, too, never thought of it that way!
Perspective ! That is intriguing. The small hole of a pin, when brought closer to your eye, you can see a whole aeroplane through it.
It is all about perspective.