Dreams Come True
“Dreams come true. Let’s dream and hope, our dreams will one day come true. Hang on to your dreams,” the third and oldest tree said to his friends. Three trees on a hill, in the woods discussed their dreams, they encouraged each other and talked about their hopes and dreams.
The first tree said, “someday, I hope to be a treasure chest. I pray to be filled with the rarest of gems, I hope to be decorated with intricate carvings and displayed for all to see my wonder and splendor.” The second tree said, ” I will be a mighty ship someday. I will carry kings and queens across the waters, and sail to all corners of the earth. All who sail in me will feel safe because of the strength of my hull. The third and oldest tree said, ” I hope to be the tallest, oldest and straightest tree in this forest. I pray that people will see my magnificence, my tall reaching branches and think of God and the heavens, and how close to them I am reaching. I want to be the greatest tree of all time and I want to be always remembered.”
One tree now stood on the hill, along with two tree stumps. It was a mighty tree indeed, as its branches and leaves danced to the beat of breeze, it couldn’t help but let out a sigh of contentment. And looking at the two tree stumps standing beside him, remains of his dear, dear friends, he hoped they were living their dreams.
“Alas I am tall and my branches are far reaching. All I pray for is length of days, to grow older, wiser and stronger. I know dreams come true and I am on my way to being the greatest tree of all time,” the tree said to itself.
A Thwarted Dream Is Not A Lost Dream
One day a man paid the lone tree a visit. The man was no stranger to the tree, he was the same one who had cut his two friends and sent them to their dreams. The reassuring familiarity of the man, the Dream Maker, made the beautiful day even more better. The tree blew him a breeze, gifting the man with cool refreshing air tinged with dew and the smell of fresh healthy leaves. “But what are you doing here Dream Maker?” the tree asked.
The tree didn’t have to wait long for an answer. The Dream Maker took out his axe and begun surveying the tree.
“Wait what? What is he doing?” the tree asked the axe.
“What does it look like?” the axe gleefully replied.
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“Is he going to cut me down?” the tree asked.
“Not only that, he is going to also chop you into pieces,” the axe replied.
“What? No. No. No. No. No! This can’t be, my dream has to come true. He can’t cut me. Isn’t he the Dream Maker? ” the tree cried.
“Dream huh? What would that dream be?” the axe enquired.
“I am to be the tallest, oldest, most far reaching tree the world has ever seen. I am to be the greatest tree of all time, always to be remembered,” the tree replied.
“Say goodbye to your stupid, stupid, dream. Greatest tree my blade!” the axe said, laughing.
“Come on axe, you should understand. Look, your handle is one of us. Surely you understand what it is to be a tree with dreams. Please don’t cooperate.”
“I was a tree, much like you. But I was cut down and made into an axe handle, you think that makes me less than you? You think you’re better than me with your hopes and dreams? Trees become wood and that’s just what it is. Your turn mate, your turn,” the axe said.
“Axe please,” the tree pleaded.
“Didn’t you call him a Dream Maker? Maybe he’s carving your dream, maybe we’re doing you a favor. Dreams! You’re as dumb as this blade I’m cursed to be attached to, cold one minute and hot the next, always at the mercy of the elements. Your dream is controlling you, if you kill it, you’ll have nothing to be sad about and you can become wood in peace,” the axe said.
Comparison Can Steal Your Joy
“But I want my dream. My friends are living theirs and I want to live mine,” the axe replied.

“Which friends? These two?” the axe asked, gesturing to the two stumps.
“Yes those. You cut them remember? You did send them to their dreams didn’t you? The tree replied.
“Well I don’t know what their dreams were. But I do know one became an animal feed box in a manger and the other a fishing boat. If those were their dreams, I’d say you had very unambitious trees for friends,” the axe replied.
“What? What? So this man is not a Dream Maker after all,” the tree said, and began to sob.
With every strike of the axe, the tree sobbed louder and louder until it fell.
“That wasn’t so bad, was it?” the axe asked.
But the tree was too bitter and too embroiled in self-pity to respond.
Dreams Come True In Different Ways
The woodsman said, “I really don’t have anything special to do with such a strong, tall tree.”
And so he cut the tree into long, huge chunks and left it in a dark barn.
Years passed and the tree’s grew dimmer and dimmer.
“What is to become of me in this dark place where no one ever visits?” the tree would ask itself daily.
Then one day the man opened the barn and took out the wood. He took it to the carpenter who turned the pieces into something the tree could not identify.
“What is this?” the tree wondered.
The tree was finally handed to a man. He wore only his undergarments and a crown of thorns. He was covered in spit and blood. A large crowd followed him, spitting, hitting, abusing him. He was clearly tired and the burden of the tree, a bit much. He fell, tree in tow, not once but thrice.
“Who is this man? What is this?” the tree wondered.
“Hey you, carry his torture stake,” a soldier yelled out to man in the crowd and handed him the tree.
“A torture stake! Gouge my splinters out! A torture stake! I am a torture stake! So much for thinking dreams come true. The axe was right, how stupid of me to think dreams come true”, the tree wailed.
The soldiers stood the tree on a hill and nailed the man to it, His crown of thorns intact. Above His head and affixed to the tree they wrote: “This is Jesus the King of the Jews.”
And on each side of him, on their own torture stakes were two men, who despite their own demise reproached the Man crowned with thorns.
The people standing by mocked and reproached him too, “Save yourself,” they said.
“What kind of King is this?” the tree wondered.
The man called out with a loud voice and gave up his spirit. And then the tree felt the earth tremble and shake. The tree saw rocks split. From the hill, the tree saw tombs open and the dead rise. Then the tree heard the words of the very frightened army officer and his colleagues keeping watch over the man, “Certainly, this was God’s Son.”
“The Son of God? The Son of God! The Son of God!” the tree screamed in disbelief.
And in that moment, the tree realized its dreams had come true, far beyond its wildest dreams. It had borne up The Son of God!

What dream d you dream? Keep hope alive. Be inspired to keep going. Dreams come true!
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At Misskorang we strive to bring you stories with timeless lessons, because we believe storytelling is one of the most powerful means to influence and educate. We hope you liked our story, if you did, kindly leave us a comment and share. Our stories contain affiliate links. When you click and make a purchase, we may earn a small commission at no extra cost to you.
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I am a mom, wife, believer in God and a lover of stories. I love storytelling because I believe it is a potent means to inspire and educate.
I love that … a thwarted dream is not a lost one. I wanted to be an author in collect and at 54 it happened. Don’t give up!
What a powerful story. I can’t wait to read this to my kids. We encourage dream growth around here. Thank you.
Beautifully written post! You are always so inspiring and thought provoking for others to see the positive things in life.. changing perspectives! Love it!
Miss Korang you have a way with words!!
such a beautiful story. plot, twist, all excellent.
Thanks Julius. Trees that wood is one of my ‘favoritest’
Love your writing, so talented. Reminds me that in certain moments we may not see that the universe is directing us to our dreams.
Beautifully written. Thank you for sharing and being inspirational.
What a great story. Sometimes our dreams are carved into great purposes without us realizing.
Love the way you make us think with these stories!
I love the theme of this story! Beautifully written as always.
Great story.
Loved the 3rd installation of this story. It gives one so much to think about regarding our life and our dreams. Such a nice play on lemons to lemonade. One never knows how their dreams will come to life. Thanks for your inspiring writing. Love this!
Changing perspectives helps us to see clearly sometimes!
Wonderful story! A great reminder that our dreams may not pan out exactly as we thought, but can turn into something so much better
Wow this is so well written. love it! Reminds people to never give up on their dreams.
I’ve been waiting for this part of the story. What a great series.
Beautifully written. I was so sad for the tree but sometimes our dreams and purpose are bigger than we can even dream up ourselves!
Love the way you take us on a trip into your stories. I genuinely visualize your stories when reading. Thanks for sharing!
I love this story. It was told similarly in church on Easter Sunday. Thanks for posting!
Beautiful words!
Great reminders!
Wonderfully written, as always. What a great reminder that sometimes we just need to change our perspective a little, to realize just how blessed we actually are.
Your story reminds me that sometimes our dreams come true in ways we never imagined! We keep dreaming and then trust that the Dream Giver will call us into those dreams…or something even better.
Beautiful writing!
fantastic post!