power to choose; the wise old man, the young man and his sparrow
Power To Choose

“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.” 

-Viktor Frankl

Once in a little remote village lived a wise old man to whom everybody turned for advice and direction. The old man was indeed gifted with wisdom and all who sought his counsel were blessed with deep, rich and relatable perspectives that helped them make their own wise choices. 

One day a young boy decided to hatch a plan to trick the old man,  ask him a question he couldn’t possibly get right and prove him not so wise for once. So the young boy went into the woods and caught a little sparrow, small enough to fit neatly in his closed fist. As he approached the wise old man, the youngster asked, “old man, can you tell what I have in my hand?” 

Regarding  the boy carefully, and observing the feathers sticking to his clothes, the old man replied, “Yes I can young chap. I can tell what you’re cradling in your hand.”

“What is it,” the boy asked.

“From the small feathers sticking to your hair and clothes, I am positive what you have in your hand is a small bird,” the wise old man said.

“You are correct, old man. But is the bird dead or alive?” the boy replied.

The old man  paused and rubbed his beard, appearing to think carefully about his response. Then he pulled two chairs and beckoned the boy to sit. And taking a seat himself, the man looked the boy directly in the eye and said, “whether that bird is alive or dead lies in your power to choose.

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Adwoa Danso

I am a connoisseur of life stories, and writing is my first love. I believe we can empower, educate and uplift by telling our stories. Writing is my happy place.

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