I fear no more.
In the driver’s seat you have sat, imposing, fearsome, commanding me to stop, freeze, fight, or flee. You have slammed the brakes many a time, even when I desperately wanted, needed to step on the pedal and keep going. You pretend to evolve and grow. And you pretend to morph and change as I grow and develop. But I see you now, like a straight line, you don’t change, you neither curve nor curl. You’re like a soulless dirge, sang without emotion or purpose ; sang for singing sake, and your refrain, panic. You only keep moving alongside me, whispering, unsettling, and demanding. . In your sameness, you require me to stay same, to not change, to not grow, not go places, never dare. So move over now. No, not to the passenger seat. Move to the backseat. Now! I fear no more!
You would be completely kicked you out, but the growth in me has me aware of our complicated relationship. I am aware you and I have to have a relationship. I know you have a job to do, and you take it seriously. In-fact, you work hard, overtime and all to stay relevant. So by all means do your job, but relate to me from the backseat. The growth in me also has me aware our relationship isn’t healthy, and that is changing today.
I want an open relationship; I’m courting creativity, I will be in bed with hope, will kiss courage every now and again, dance with knowledge and dine with love. Faith and I will sit down for elaborate seven course meals ever so frequently. And I will not confuse my fear for caution.

I hope you don’t misconstrue my growth for ingratitude. Believe you me, I remember and appreciate the moments you did your job to the letter. There is that day I walked home from school in the scorching sun, swinging my empty water bottle, when a thrice damned fool tried to coerce me into his house under the pretext of filling my water bottle. You raised the hair on the back of my neck. Stop. Run. Between me and that pillock, one was thirsty, it wasn’t me.
And then there is that day you stopped me dead in my tracks when the grass ahead of me ruffled ever so gently. And moments later, slithering away was the longest, blackest black mamba I’ve ever seen. I absolutely have no doubt that had I taken any more steps, it would have sank it’s fangs into me and left me for dead.
So thank you fear, you have your moments, but you don’t have boundaries. Which is why I’m establishing boundaries here and now.
Remember that time in the summer of 2019, when my baby decided to exit my womb there and then? You reared your head, uninvited and unwanted. But for the timely presence of my angel in human form, you would have dearly cost me my beloved Afia. So I hope you understand your demotion, it’s either you or me and I choose me.
I am overcoming my fear of judgement, so take a seat in the back and shut up! That is until you have something absolutely, unequivocally relevant to say. You will not get in my ear from the backseat, I’m sorry I can no longer hear your whispers. The old, tiring, revolving dialogue between you and I:
” People are laughing at you, pointing out your errors and enquiring how on earth you could say that. They think you’re ungrateful. They’re saying you’re a liar. They say you don’t belong here, you’re not petite enough, graceful enough…”
I don’t care, I am not afraid. I am entitled to my life, my experiences, my talent and creativity. And they are entitled to their opinion. My inadequacies are mine and so are my gifts. Why should I fear?
“You will fail. This is a waste of time. It will be so embarrassing to be rejected again. Why bother? Let it go. Stop.”
Fear of rejection isn’t driving this show anymore. And the fear of failure? Please bring it on! I’d rather dare and fail than live with the failure of doing nothing. I do not want to be counted among those timid souls who knew neither failure nor success! For me it has to be one or the other.
So take several seats at the back and buckle up, my fear, it is about to be a bumpy, fearless ride. You don’t run this show no more!
Yours Sincerely,
The Woman I have become.
Writer’s Note** This is the first of a series of letters to my emotions. We all have emotions negative or positive, and personalizing them and speaking with them is a powerful way to get a grip over our emotions. So if you liked this one, please check back for the next episode or subscribe to be notified of new installments. Also kindly leave me your thoughts in the comment section and share this with your friends, it will mean the world to me.
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I am a mom, wife, believer in God and a lover of stories. I love storytelling because I believe it is a potent means to inspire and educate.
Inspiring write up.
Thank you. Inspired to fear no more
You are so right. I love it!!!! Very inspiring.
Thanks. I intent to leave fear behind, i will be tied down no more
LOVE THIS! Reading it felt like poetry!
“I want an open relationship; I’m courting creativity, I will be in bed with hope, will kiss courage every now and again, dance with knowledge and dine with love”
Very inspiring! I always say… Sometime to get through something I might have to do it afraid and have faith that it will work out the way it’s supposed to!
I’ve realized my fear evaporate every time I have faced it sqarely
Great post
Thank you. No more fear
Stepping out on faith while scared is almost impossible. Fear can really rob you of your joy, your new beginnings. I am inspired reading this. Thanks for sharing.
Fear can cripple you, leave you with no hope. But it shouldn’t have that much power! I fear no more
Very encouraging and inspiring. Fear can rob you of your joy and you really don’t want that. Thanks for sharing.
Fear indeed is a liar and a robber. That is why i refuse to fear anymore
FEar is not an issue I have but I know so many people that are ruled by it. Great tips!
Fear comes in so many forms right? And it affects us all. Creating the boundary and understanding of where it comes from is very important. Thanks for the read.
Yes! Understanding, acknowledging and healing the broken places! That is how we can let go of fear and embrace our own power
I am inspired by your poetic delivery of strong words strung together artistically!
Thank you!
What a fun, engaging writing style! And yes to no fear. I want to be better at this, especially for my young boys who are constantly watching.
I know right? Having kids makes you want to bring all your superpowers to bear
Fear not!
Mine sits in the corner, patiently fingering his dirty magazines and glancing at me every few minutes.
Well then, tell that sucker to pack up and go to the backyard! fear not!
Beautifully said.
Thank you. Fear is liar
Very powerful post. Just love your writing style!
Thank you Marianne
This is perfect- Fear is important but needs to take a backseat!!
Sit in the back and come here only when it is absolutely necessary. Fear is not welcome in the front seat
Very inspiring post. Fears put limits to our dreams.
…and robs us of the greatness we could be. Fear no more!
After 2020, this resonates with me quite a bit. Great read, thank you.
After 2020, i think i can face down everything! fear rules here no more
Incredibly inspiring!! Thank you for sharing this, some people needed this more than you know!
I am glad it is inspiring! Not handing over power to fear. No more fear
Fear has held me back so much. I am now actively pushing myself out if my comfort level. If I feel fear I know I’m where I should be. I am strong enough to push back against fear. Beautiful write up ❤️
Good for you. You go girl! “push back against fear” Thats right!
Yes!! Faith not fear. Such beautiful writing.
Yes faith not fear
I love this.
Thank you. We must endeavor to put fear under control
Wow. I love this: “I want an open relationship; I’m courting creativity, I will be in bed with hope, will kiss courage every now and again, dance with knowledge and dine with love. And I will not confuse my fear for caution.” Very cool.
Yes!! Fear will not have a monopoly over here
I love how you write. Your words are so moving and inspiring! You are RIGHT! No more FEAR! Thank you for sharing!
Yes we will fear no more. We have faith to step out and go get it
Beautiful and inspiring letter to your fear. I love it!
Dear Fear, I am cutting the cord. Stay around just in case i need you…xoxo lol
So motivational! Thank you for sharing.
You are welcome.The intent is to motivate and inspire my readers.
Great lesson to share. Facing fear is difficult.
Facing and letting go of fear is hard but not impossible. When we heal the broken places, we can be strong enough to have no more fear.
I love this! I’m a psychologist and I love teaching people to personalize their emotions to talk with them and help control them! This is especially helpful with kids!
Beautiful writing. Loved it!
Beautiful! I had a very long negative relationship with fear. When that changed, everything else in my life did.
Fear holds us back from so many things, but you can achieve freedom if you let go of it.
This is beautifully written. I read it twice! I can relate because for as long as I could remember, I’ve had so much fear and anxiety. I love how you use the “take the backseat” metaphor – fear will never go away and it shouldn’t… but take a backseat; you’re no longer in the driver seat.
Yes in order to overcome your fears you have to confront them face on
Thank you for writing on this delicate yet important topic. You have dived in well and I appreciate talking about the different types of fear and how all of it still not something to be shy of!
I love this. So inspiring!
You are an amazing writer. This was beautiful!
amazing post!