letter to fear. i fear no more
Letter to fear

I fear no more.

In the driver’s seat you have sat, imposing, fearsome, commanding me to stop, freeze, fight, or flee. You have slammed the brakes many a time, even when I desperately wanted, needed to step on the pedal and keep going. You pretend to evolve and grow. And you pretend to morph and change as I grow and develop. But I see you now, like a straight line, you don’t change, you neither curve nor curl. You’re like a soulless dirge, sang without emotion or purpose ; sang for singing sake, and your refrain, panic. You only keep moving alongside me, whispering, unsettling, and demanding. . In your sameness, you require me to stay same, to not change, to not grow, not go places, never dare. So move over now. No, not to the passenger seat. Move to the backseat. Now! I fear no more!

You would be completely kicked you out, but the growth in me has me aware of our complicated relationship. I am aware you and I have to have a relationship. I know you have a job to do, and you take it seriously. In-fact, you work hard, overtime and all to stay relevant. So by all means do your job, but relate to me from the backseat. The growth in me also has me aware our relationship isn’t healthy, and that is changing today.

I want an open relationship; I’m courting creativity, I will be in bed with hope, will kiss courage every now and again, dance with knowledge and dine with love. Faith and I will sit down for elaborate seven course meals ever so frequently. And I will not confuse my fear for caution.

letter to fear
Overcome fear quote. Photo by Canva
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I am a mom, wife, believer in God and a lover of stories. I love storytelling because I believe it is a potent means to inspire and educate.

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