Psychologists say to trust your intuition is to trust the knowledge that appears in your consciousness without any obvious deliberation; your unconscious mind rapidly sifts through past experiences and aggregate knowledge to produce a hunch or gut feeling to help you make decisions.Sophy Burnham, bestselling author of The Art Of Intuition, defines intuition as “knowing without ever having any idea why you know. It is a knowing without knowing. For God-believing people like me, intuition is The Spirit of God saying, “child, be still and listen to me now!”
Not Listening And Not Paying Attention
If i got a dollar every time I said “dang! I should have listened to my intuition,” in the past two years alone, I’d be a millionaire. I missed so many opportunities, got myself into much unnecessary mess by not listening to and trusting my intuition. And that wasn’t just me being just headstrong. It was largely due to a lack of trust in myself, years of cultural influence that didn’t encourage self-belief and, a need to please others. Rather than decline a request and come across as cold and unfriendly, I’d turn off my gut feeling, my feminine radar, smile, accept the request and suffer the consequences later.
A Poignant True Life Example Where I failed to Trust My Intuition:
In 2018, my family made a big move; our three young children and myself migrated from Accra, Ghana, the only home we’d known all our lives, to the united States to join Daddy (for kids) and husband (for me).
The months following the move was especially hard for me; I suddenly found myself a stay-home-mom in a city I knew no one except my husband and children. Whereas I had been a hot-shot IT execute in my home country.
And so I reached out to a dear friend to vent and just talk away my complicated feelings really. My dear friend understood and empathized, and then suggested I talk to a friend of his; a Ghanaian immigrant like me, who has had a successful career in the US. “He and his wife have been in the States for a long time and are doing quite well. He serves on the board of a prestigious university. Talk to him, he may be able to point you in the right direction or his wife would.”
The Warning And The Ignoring
After getting permission to share his number, my friend passed on the number to me. That was when my intuition kicked in, “do not make that phone call.” But of course i didn’t listen.
I waited two weeks and called my friend, “what do I say when i call this man?” “You haven’t called? He’s a really nice person. Just tell him your situation; he may help you find a stay home job. Or his wife can give you advice on where and how to find childcare you can afford and so on.”
So i called, “hello my name is Adwoa, Gutz gave me your number…” He was nice like Gutz said. He was really nice. My feminine radar went into overdrive, “shut this down now!!”
But did i trust myself enough to trust my intuition? No I did not. I called my good girlfriend and told her, “something isn’t right. He is too nice, I don’t trust him. He even called me on FaceTime, who does that?” She said i was overreacting and being ‘hankty’. “Let him help you if he’s willing. What is wrong with being nice?” I listened to my friend, she meant well, that i know. But she wasn’t the one whom my intuition was poking and prodding; I should have listened to my gut feeling instead, because…
…I Got Insulted For Not Trusting My Intuition
A few weeks, in-fact two weeks of texting and talking back and forth, later, he, who is aptly named Stray Dog on my phone, dropped the bombshell out of nowhere, “…wear very little when we talk.” The Blazing Hell!!
Well, long story short, I sent him a response I thought was befitting the insult he had dished me. And I cut all communication as I should have done in the beginning. But deep down, I was furious with myself for choosing to be likeable. I was angry for entertaining nonsense over trusting my God-given intuition.
This incident was the last straw for me. I decided to tune-in to, and trust my intuition.
Another Real Life Example Where I Listened to my Intuition
At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, a lockdown was declared in the state I live in. To keep our four children active, we took to the trails and hiked a lot! We discovered many great trails, amongst them one just behind our building complex which led to a beautiful lake full of swans and other beautiful birds.
The Still Small Voice – Learn To Trust Your Intuition
One beautiful Sunday morning, our family took the trails to go bird watching at the lake. Husband brought the rear, three kids in front of him and me leading with our almost one-year old trappe d to my body. It was a beautiful slow walk. Then, my three year old daughter doubled her pace and passed me. But as she went, a still small voice said, “get her!”.
Trusting My Intuition Paid Off
I instantly obeyed and quickened my pace and caught up with her, then instinctively held her shoulder and pulled her back. To my utter dismay, a few steps away from her, camouflaged in a patch of dead grass, lay a brown snake, keeled scales, triangular head, peacefully basking in the sun, perfectly still, I think it was sleeping.
After putting a good distance between snake and us, my husband kicked a rock, hoping the snake would scurry away so we could go our merry way. The snake instead turned swiftly in our direction, coiled and lay its triangular head flat, intently watching the five pairs of legs standing a safe distance away. It was about a fifteen second stand-off, before the snake quickly slithered into the bushes.
A quick search later revealed it was a Prairie Rattlesnake. My gratitude and relief knew no bounds, because if my little girl has stepped on that snake, or gone any closer to it, I’m pretty sure I will be writing a very different story.

And so if i didn’t trust my intuition before, I do now. I have every reason to now know that I am worthy of a divine voice that directs me.
How I Tuned Into And I learned to Trust My Intuition
For a long time I ignored my intuition, never tuned in to it, never trusted it, never listened. I let my feminine radar lay fallow. But when I finally decided to appreciate and trust my intuition, here are a few things that I found helpful:
I began to listen rather than ignore the proddings of my intuition. And I also made it a point to take the required action as soon as possible rather than procrastinate or wait, which usually leads to forgetfulness. For example, when I get the gut feeling to check the front door one more time after putting my kids to bed for the night, rather than rationalize and say, ” I know I locked that door already”, or decide to do it later after watching my favorite show, I go straight to check the front door. There are times I found the door was indeed locked and there have been times I found it was unlocked even though I was quite convinced I had locked it prior.

A good practice, is to heed the promptings of your intuition and follow through with whatever feeling you get. By so doing, you hone your intuitiveness and become more in tune with yourself.
Connecting With Myself Through Solitude And Meditation
To be able to connect and hear your inner, still, small voice, you need a bit of silence. And what better way to get some peace and quiet than solitude? But if your’e a mom of four like me that seems almost impossible doesn’t it? Well to get in my moment of silence for the day and connect with myself, I wake up a bit earlier than my kids read The Bible, pray and meditate. Those few minutes of alone time help me connect with myself and my deepest inner wisdom. It is my most treasured tool of the day, to rise above the noise of everyday life, me spending time with me and a Divine Being, in silence, engaging in deep, deep thought.
I have come to find that creating, in which case for me is writing, allows me to tap into my intuitive self. When I write, I connect with something deeper within me. This leaves me with a deep sense of satisfaction and renewed energy to reflect and receive my innermost feelings.
Doing things you love opens you up to receive positive energy and be in tune with yourself. And don’t they say most creative work is intuitive? Practicing creativity also helps you be more intuitive.
Observing Surroundings and Listening to your Body
Taking time to notice my immediate surrounding has been another huge help for me. So has listening to my body.
Why are all the moms at a park converged at a particular spot and not the other? Why do I get butterflies walking towards the deserted area of the park? Further investigation reveals that side of the park is a hotspot for a calibre of people moms don’t want their children around.
Observing and mindfully taking notice is a good way to tap into your intuitive self.
Believe You Are Worthy/ Believe In Yourself
Refuse to be sucked into uncertainty. Believe that your are worthy of divine and spiritual wisdom that goes beyond human comprehension. Believe that your experiences, past and present are etched somewhere in your subconscious mind and helping to direct your next steps. When you don’t doubt your worthiness, it is easier to trust your hunch and make better split-second decisions.
Release Negative Emotions
Negative emotions cloud your judgement and block your intuition. Fear, anger, bitterness, depression and so on can hold you back from believing in and tapping into your natural ability to process things. These emotions also cause mental and emotional exhaustion that prevents you from intuitively making good judgement. I find it liberating to mindfully accept and release negative feeling and emotions, thus mentally freeing myself for possibilities ahead.
Heal From Past Trauma And Build Self-Confidence
Building confidence in yourself is also a good way to build and trust your intuition. It is important to recognize and acknowledge the things that hold you back mentally and emotionally, and create self-doubt. After the recognition and acknowledgment should come a conscious effort to free yourself from the mental and emotional strings that hold you back. Believing in yourself will eventually enable you believe you are worthy of a divine still small voice, that arises from the depths of your own soul, your intuition, helping guide you in your decision making.
For me, intuition is like an invisible companion. Quietly walking in my shadow, prompting me here and there.; never overstepping and yet encouraging me to reach out and connect.
Do you have anymore pointers to add or would you like to share some of your own experiences? Put it in the comments below.
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At MissKorang we strive to bring you life stories that teach timeless life lessons and, some of those stories, like this one, are real life stories submitted by our readers and shared with their permission. Identifying attributes are edited out to protect our contributors’ privacy.Can you leave your thoughts with these kind people in the comments? If you want to send us your experience, email us at Or submit using this anonymous form. Please do not reproduce any part of this content without permission from us. Our stories contain affiliate links. When you click and make a purchase, we may earn a small commission at no extra cost to you.
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- 25 Biblical Life Quotes: Be Inspired By God’s Word25 life quotes from the Bible to live by.
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- Why Boundaries Are Important – Bull’s Wedding DayA kindly Bull gives and gives and forgets to set boundaries, until it costs him his dear bride.
Adwoa Danso
I am a connoisseur of life stories, and writing is my first love. I believe we can empower, educate and uplift by telling our stories. Writing is my happy place.
Beautiful post… We mostly overlook our intuition but there’s a lot it tells us. That’s a great write up there girlfriend. Keep up the spirit.
Thank you. I agree with you
Well written. God is a Spirit and He ministers to us through our spirit through our intuition.
Truth. If only we’ll listen!
Wow impressive. I enjoyed reading. Indeed it’s essential to listen to that still small voice within
Thank you Priscilla.
I love this and love your definition of intuition “knowing without ever having any idea why you know.”
Yes. I guess the knowing without knowing why we know is why it is so hard for us to trust our intuition.
Love this post! I’m like you in the sense that there’s been many times where I’ve ignored my intuition and shouldn’t have. Intuition is super important.
It’s a great job. Congratulations
I agree with others…the not knowing why you know can be hard!!Intuition is usually right though!
Absolutely imperative that we listen to our intuition! We all have these moments where we don’t bother and then kick ourselves later… so glad you’ve learned to tune in, and glad your daughter is safe!
Sometimes I have to sit in the dark and really listen for that intuition to speak to me. I have to block out everything else around me (well intentioned friends like in your story, or pressures of society of what we should and shouldn’t do). We know. Deep down we know. Thank you for sharing your story. 🙂
This is so good! So many times we do actually hear God speaking to us, we just second guess it or write it off. Thanks for your vulnerable examples.
Listening to my intuition has kept me safe more times than I can count… but there have also been times that I have ignored it and regret it deeply. Thanks for sharing your story. It really illustrates how important it is for us to listen and trust in ourselves.
In my upbringing, I was taught that supernatural phenomena, such as intuition, sixth sense, premonitions, were part of the demon world and unholy. It took me years to acknowledge that I have these experiences. Even when I ignored them, my gut feelings proved to be true. It has taken me a long time to, not only accept, but embrace them. I am only now beginning to be able to act on those feelings, instead of seeing them in the aftermath.
I really enjoy reading your blog.
Thank you for an excellent post. I really enjoyed reading it. You are so right!
We need to talk about this more – how many of us have ignored our intuition and reflect back knowing we had the information but didnt trust in ourselves. Maybe our future selves (and younger generations) will realize that they should listen to those inner words!
ALWAYS trust your instincts. ALWAYS!
Oh yes, God speaks to us through intuition!
I am very intuitive and I’ve learned to trust mine, deeply. Sounds like you have too, after your experience!
Intuition is something I really trust in myself, lovely post.
Intuition is the still small voice of God nudging you along. We’ve just got to listen! Thank you for posting your experiences!
Enjoyed this post!!
“…years of cultural influence that didn’t encourage self-belief and, a need to please others. ” totally resonates with me.
Thank you.
Thank you Lona. Belief in oneself is very essential for growth and for confidence in a person. Sadly many families snuff it out of children in the name of discipline.
I am glad you could share such a sensitive incident of your life. Your story of migration and holding your ground is inspiring. You nailed it by stating how we all miss our intuition by giving your specific examples. I hear you!
I loved reading your post on following your intuition. This is so true. I’ve struggled to determine if it’s my intuition or just my ego/anxiety talking. What has helped me to distinguish between the two, is if I feel a heaviness like something weighing down on me, it’s likely my anxiety or ego. If I feel uplifted or alert I know it’s my intuition trying to tell me something.
This is such a beautiful read and yes I to use the spirit of acid to help guide me in my decision making.
Well written.
Well written.
I enjoyed your article. It’s important to trust your intuition. I liked your tips, like heal from the past. Sometimes don’t trust ourselves because of mistakes or bad decisions in the past. But we are not our past.
Oh my gosh, your intuition about that snake! Us moms have that special intuition! I remember I had to trust my instincts once when my son was really sick, turns out he had been misdiagnosed and when I took him to the hospital, he was diagnosed with pneumonia in both lungs!
Excellent article Thank You for Sharing. I’m one to NOT listen to my intuition all the time. I’ve been abused and was told my intuition is wrong. I know my intuition is not wrong because when I do listen to my intuition everything goes smooth. When I don’t listen to my intuition everything goes wrong. The last time I didn’t listen to my intuition I lost my car, my job, and almost my life. I no longer work because I lost my car. My intuition told me to turn off the road I was driving on and I didn’t listen and some female blew through the stop sign and totaled my car. I was a school bus driver and the way I swerved to avoid the hit I saved my own life. Rumor has it she was told to hit my car where I would roll over. She was paid by my evil co-workers to kill me. They figured an auto accident would do. I’m still alive Thanks to God but my life just went down hill. I’m unable to get another job. I lost my cdl drivers license too. I now have to start from scratch. Since covid hit jobs still want a college degree for the jobs I’m experienced in. I’m trying to get my college degree and undecided on which online college to attend. I hope God lets me get enrolled into a college so I can get the job I’m qualified for. Thank You again for this article.
I pray all goes well for you dear one. Sending prayers, love and light your way.